In a pluralistic and relativistic age, Christians must stand firm in proclaiming the one living and true God who is revealed in Scripture. The one true God is one in being or essence and three in person: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Triune God is holy and sovereign. These biblical truths are often attacked, and Christians must, therefore, be diligent to defend them.
Stand Firm in the Faith
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
The Doctrine of the Trinity
Biblical Christianity,
Biblical truth,
Christ and the Church,
church issues,
Jesus Christ,
Stand Firm in the Faith,
Triune God
Thursday, December 17, 2015
The Impact of the New Age Movement
What are the characteristics of the New Age Movement? Learn how this deception has infiltrated the Church with guest Warren Smith on the show Christ in Prophecy
How can we equip ourselves to discern
For what does the Bible tells us :
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Contemplative Prayer,
Eastern Spirituality,
New Age Spirituality,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith,
Warren Smith
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The New Apostolic Reformation ~ A discerning look at this movement
The New Apostolic Reformation . What is it? This is a discerning look at the New Apostolic Reformation. the Question is: Have the Apostolic gifts returned to the Church?
This book can be purchased at
It can also be purchased at
Another helpful resource
A new religious movement - led by apostles and prophets - has confused people, divided churches, and strained families as people are forced to make painful choices between those they love and what they believe to be the truth of God's Word. This global movement is known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
Although people may not know this movement by its formal name, they are probably familiar with its leaders, like Rick Joyner (MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina), Bill Johnson (Bethel Church in Redding, California), and Mike Bickle (International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri). Likewise, NAR practices - such as "prayerwalking," "healing rooms," and "24/7 prayer rooms" - have permeated churches throughout the world. Read this book for a biblical response to the NAR movement and to learn how its teachings deviate from historic Pentecostal and charismatic teachings.
This book can be purchased at
It can also be purchased at
charismatic issues,
church issues,
false prophet,
New Apostolic Reformation,
Rick Joyner,
Stand Firm in the Faith,
Todd Bentley
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Is Religious Freedom Under Fire ?
Is there a war in the United States against Christianity? Find out with guest Kelly Shackelford on the show Christ in Prophecy. Legal cases after legal case is discussed in detail. This message will encourage Christians to Stand Firm in their faith.
Christian Parents,
church issues,
Culture and Society,
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Devil Wars
Ephesians 6:10 - 12 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might, Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
From the Video:
In all places, locations, races, and times someone evil always emerges. What lies in back of the inclination of the heart? We always choose according to the greatest inclination of the heart at the moment of choice. The proposition "all have sinned " is as inductively verifiable as gravity. Ever . Dr. Jeremiah's notes:
"I Never Thought I'd See the Day When Christians Wouldn't Know They Were in a War"
Selected Scripture
1 Timothy 4:1
Ephesians 6:12
I. Who Satan Is
A. Satan Is the Great Deceiver
John 8:44
Revelation 12:9
B. Satan Is the Great Divider
James 3:6, 8
C. Satan Is the Great Destroyer
II. What Satan Does
A. The Strategy of Indifference
2 Corinthians 11:14
1 John 5:19
Ephesians 6:12
B. The Strategy of Ignorance
C. The Strategy of Infiltration
Ephesians 4:27
Proverbs 6:27
D. The Strategy of Intervention
E. The Strategy of Intimidation
1 John 3:8
Armor of God,
Eph. 6,
schemes of the devil,
Spiritual Warfare,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Saturday, July 25, 2015
We Will Not Bow
Published on Jul 24, 2015
Scriptures: Selected Scriptures
A lot is happening at a very rapid rate. And with all the discussion that’s been going on, I’ve been kind of eager to get to you, and maybe help to give you a perspective. And I know that there have been comments made from this pulpit—exceptionally helpful, clear, well-chosen comments on the issues that face our country today. But I need to just kind of add some of my own insights and perceptions, and then direct you to a particular portion of Scripture.
This country talks a lot about terrorist attacks—and rightly so. Almost anybody in America can give you some kind of a listing of the most destructive acts of terror that have happened in our country. But let me suggest to you this: The two greatest attacks of terror on America were perpetrated by the Supreme Court. Not by any Muslim, but by the Supreme Court of the United States. The first one was the legalizing of abortion. Subsequent to that, there have been millions of babies slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers. It’s incalculable to even comprehend that. The blood of those lives cries out from the ground for divine vengeance on this nation.
The second great act of terror perpetrated by the Supreme Court was the legalization of same-sex marriage. The destruction of human life in the womb—in a sense, the destruction of motherhood—and now the destruction of the family itself. No bomb, no explosion, no attack, and no assault on people physically can come anywhere near that kind of terrorism. Our country is being terrorized by the people most responsible to protect it—those who are to uphold the law...
Scriptures: Selected Scriptures
A lot is happening at a very rapid rate. And with all the discussion that’s been going on, I’ve been kind of eager to get to you, and maybe help to give you a perspective. And I know that there have been comments made from this pulpit—exceptionally helpful, clear, well-chosen comments on the issues that face our country today. But I need to just kind of add some of my own insights and perceptions, and then direct you to a particular portion of Scripture.
This country talks a lot about terrorist attacks—and rightly so. Almost anybody in America can give you some kind of a listing of the most destructive acts of terror that have happened in our country. But let me suggest to you this: The two greatest attacks of terror on America were perpetrated by the Supreme Court. Not by any Muslim, but by the Supreme Court of the United States. The first one was the legalizing of abortion. Subsequent to that, there have been millions of babies slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers. It’s incalculable to even comprehend that. The blood of those lives cries out from the ground for divine vengeance on this nation.
The second great act of terror perpetrated by the Supreme Court was the legalization of same-sex marriage. The destruction of human life in the womb—in a sense, the destruction of motherhood—and now the destruction of the family itself. No bomb, no explosion, no attack, and no assault on people physically can come anywhere near that kind of terrorism. Our country is being terrorized by the people most responsible to protect it—those who are to uphold the law...
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Why We Need The Word of God More Than Ever
Below is a link to a Radio interview with Phil Johnson discussing the recent supreme court decision. The link for the interview is at the top of the page.
Why We Need The Word of God More Than Ever
Guest: Phil Johnson, executive director, Grace To You
“Strengthen me according to Your word.” Psalm 119:28b
The ink has hardly dried on the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex “marriage” in America and we are already beginning to see the effects:
- See more at:
Why We Need The Word of God More Than Ever
Guest: Phil Johnson, executive director, Grace To You
“Strengthen me according to Your word.” Psalm 119:28b
The ink has hardly dried on the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex “marriage” in America and we are already beginning to see the effects:
- Democrat legislators are putting forth an initiative to remove “husband” and “wife” from federal law.
- The liberal organization, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, is launching efforts to force Christian universities to provide same-sex “married” campus housing.
- The New York Times ran a column titled, “Now’s the Time to End Tax Exemption for Religious Institutions.”
If you thought Christians were overstating the importance of the Supreme Court ruling with regard to freedom of speech and religion, you might want to think again. As long as there are Christians willing to stand up for what God has stated clearly in His Word about marriage and morality, there will be an all-out assault by homosexual and transgender advocates to silence and punish them.
With the culture surrounding us operating on human reasoning, Christians will need to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word more than ever. Phil Johnson, writer, speaker, and executive director of Grace to You, joins us this weekend to discuss “Why we need the Word of God more than ever.”
- See more at:
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Why Do You Hate Gays? - By Don and Joy Veinot
Stand Firm in the Faith has been given permission to reproduce the article from Midwest Christian Outreach Journal - June 18, 2015 - written by Don and Joy Veinot. Please see MCO’s website for additional helpful articles and resources. Midwest Christian Outreach has been in Christian Ministry since 1995. Visit their Website here:
You can read the Article Here: Midwest Christian Outreach
Why Do You Hate Gays?
June 18, 2015 by Don and Joy Veinot
Midwest Christian Outreach
You can read the Article Here: Midwest Christian Outreach
Why Do You Hate Gays?
June 18, 2015 by Don and Joy Veinot
Midwest Christian Outreach
“Why do you hate gays?” This question/accusation is often hurled at Christians and others who disagree with changing the definition of marriage to allow for same sex unions that are called “marriages.” But does disagreement with the claims and assertions of progressive homosexual activists demonstrate “hatred” of gays? Of course not. Such assertions are used as emotional weapons to silence dissent and enforce their political will through guilt and manipulation. Those who are parents should recognize this ploy because kids often use arguments like this to get their way with their parents. The parent puts the kibosh on the child’s plan to do something or go somewhere, so the child might respond with the accusation, “You must hate me!” (And, if the child does not ultimately win the argument, “You must hate me” often deteriorates into “I hate you!”) Yet, most parents LOVE their children deeply, above all, and only seek to ensure their loved one’s safety, their welfare, and/or their good character.
This type of childish manipulation is sometimes used in other relationships as well. Some people demand affirmation and/or celebration of every decision or action they take, and are apt to emotionally “punish” the friend, family member, or co-worker who cannot or will not comply with this demand. We have all witnessed this type of emotional manipulation in action. As a result, some people become cheerleaders of every action, feeling or belief of their more “sensitive” friends, not wanting to pay the cost of honesty. But sometimes a true friend can see that the action can or will result in great harm to their friend, or to others, and so they cannot stand by and give applause. Love, not hate, demands that they do not applaud, but warn.
Today, gay activists are engaging in just this sort of emotional manipulation to force their will upon society. However, opposition to homosexuality is not hatred directed at the individual, but opposition to a behavior that God opposes. It is not personally directed at all, at least for the Christian. Christians reject immorality in heterosexual behavior also. Those who are opposed to homosexuality, or “gay marriage,” are likewise opposed to adultery and premarital sex, because these practices are every bit as “immoral” as homosexual behavior. “Gay activists” like Jonathan Rauch engage in a linguistic bait and switch. We see this in his piece Opposing Gay Marriage Doesn’t Make You a Crypto-Racist :
To their discredit, all three of the Abrahamic faith traditions condemn homosexual love,…
What “all three of the Abrahamic faith traditions condemn” is homosexual behavior, not love. Love doesn’t necessarily involve sexual activity and engaging in sex does not necessarily mean there is any love between the two (or more) who are engaged in the act. After changing the topic of the discussion, Rauch plays the “you hate Gays” card through a bit of name calling:
To their discredit, all three of the Abrahamic faith traditions condemn homosexual love, and all of them have theologies that see marriage as intrinsically heterosexual. Believe me, no one regrets this more than I do. Religious-based homophobia is every bit as harmful as the secular varieties
So, affirming heterosexual marriage is now defined by this Gay activist as having a “religious-based homophobia.”
Most know by now that Tony Campolo came out with a public statement last week calling on the church “…to fully accept into the Church those gay Christian couples…” To date, however, we have not seen Campolo come out and call the church to fully accept openly fornicating or openly adulterous people. Somehow, for Tony Campolo at least, one type of sexual sin should be tolerated or even celebrated, while we should still “toe the line” on the others. This is not really surprising, because Campolo’s theology is typically guided by his politics, and the god of the political left that he worships is not yet demanding lockstep acceptance of adultery. As Carl R. Trueman notes about Campolo’s statement in “A Day Late, A Dollar Short”:
What is surprising in the statement is the complete absence of any thoughtful argumentation in his articulation of his position. Though he professes to have heard every kind of biblical argument against same-sex marriage, he does not burden the reader with any of these, or why he has found them so lacking. Instead, he prefers to use straw men, false dichotomies, and the rhetoric of social science to present his case.
Through linguistic redefinition, redirection, “straw men, false dichotomies, and the rhetoric of social science,” the stage is set. In order for the church to demonstrate that they don’t “hate Gays”, they need to fully accept homosexual behaviors without equivocation.
Then we have the case of Willow Creek Community church and Darren Calhoun, Willow’s worship leader at the Chicago Campus. Darren is openly gay. Willow Creek insists this is not an indication they have changed their position on homosexuality, but instead contend that Calhoun is celibate. Perhaps this is true, but has he repented, changed his mind about the basic immorality of homosexual behavior? Would Willow have an unrepentant adulterer as a worship leader, just because they are not currently engaged in an adulterous affair, if the adulterer sees nothing particularly wrong with adultery? What if this adulterous worship leader was involved with a conference that is teaching how to aggressively push the church into accepting and celebrating adultery? Probably Willow Creek would not have an “adultery activist” as a worship leader. But worship leader Calhoun is a speaker at The Reformation Project’s Atlanta Regional Training Conference. What is the purpose of the conference? The website tells us:
Are you a Christian who wants to be better equipped to advocate on behalf of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in your faith community? Building off the momentum of our first major conference in Washington, D.C. last November, we are pleased to announce our second major conference will be taking place in Atlanta, GA on June 11-13, 2015. As amazing as the DC was, we expect the Atlanta conference will be even better! This two-and-a-half-day conference has two primary goals:
Providing training and resources from Matthew Vines & many others on how to talk about the Bible and LGBT issues in constructive ways with non-LGBT-affirming Christians.
Connecting LGBT-affirming Christians with like-minded people in their local areas to work together towards a more inclusive and affirming Church.The conference will be a prime networking opportunity for all Christians who want to advance the dignity of LGBT people, especially Christians in non-affirming churches
So, a leader of Willow Creek Community Church is involved with training activists to persuade the church to embrace and celebrate sexual sin. Churches who resist and remain faithful to Scripture will of course be cast into the category of those who “hate Gays.”
The Reformation Project is the conception of Matthew Vines and it is an effort to twist scripture in knots in order to proclaim the newly discovered “truth” that homosexual sex acts are not sin after all. All these centuries the church believed and taught that homosexual behavior was wrong – but never mind – we know better now! With the support of Willow Creek Community Church’s Darren Calhoun and well-known names like Tony Campolo, Vines is making inroads.
One of the “evidences” thrown out at Christians by defenders of homosexuality, abortion and other long taboo behaviors is that Jesus never mentioned or condemned the behavior or act in question. In playing fast and loose with the Scriptures this way, the activists demonstrate that either they have no idea of the complete Jewishness of the Gospels or don’t care – perhaps both. Jesus was, well, Jewish. As such, he did not reject the moral teachings of the Old Testament. As J. Warner Wallace of Cold-Case Christianity notes in “If This Is Such A Grievous Sin, Jesus Would Have Mentioned It”:
Jesus Agreed:
Jesus already acknowledged the fact that he was in complete agreement with the teaching of the Old Testament unless he specifically delineated a new line of instruction. He did not “come to abolish the Law or the Prophets… but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17)
Jesus Observed:
Jesus was a dedicated, devout and observant Jew. You want to know what he thought about homosexuality or abortion? Simple; just look at what other devout, observant Jews would have said. They most certainly would have affirmed the Old Testament teaching (like the teaching on homosexuality found in Leviticus 18:20 and 20:13)
Jesus also affirmed marriage as being between a male and female in Matthew 19:5-6 and Mark 10:8. That would be in keeping with His agreement with the Old Testament, which, by the way, were His own words, since He is the God who spoke them to the prophets to begin with. In His incarnation He was also a devout and observant Jew. So, in the Gospels He affirmed what He spoke in the Old Testament. In keeping with His word, Jesus viewed sexual acts outside of marriage as sin, though He obviously and openly loved sinners! Jesus prescribed what constitutes marriage, which is a sanctified relationship between a male and a female. So, the really big question here is, since Jesus views homosexual acts as sin, does Jesus hate gays? Or, are homosexual and other sexual and non-sexual sins the very reason that He gave His life to provide salvation to people whom He loves so much (Jn. 3:16)?
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
How to Spot a False Prophet
In today’s modern Christianity, there are people cropping up claiming to be prophets, or introducing themselves as “Apostle So-and-So.” They say they’ve been given the titles by God. What’s the deal with that? Paul Carden teaches us how to spot a false prophet using Ellen G. White (Seventh Day Adventism) and Joseph Smith (Mormonism) as examples, and sharing about what the Old and New Testaments say about the gift of prophecy. (See Video at the link below).
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Proverbs 29:21
He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length.
Proverbs 29:21
"Here is good advice for managers. Wise and careful treatment of an employee can lead to a relationship with him similar to a family member. There is a great distance in the Bible between masters and servants, approximating employers and employees today. This significant difference in ability and position is to be preserved. But prudent managers also win affectionate loyalty, in addition to diligent obedience, from their employees.
The Bible teaches, defends, and promotes authority more than any other philosophy or religion, for the foundation of all human relationships is the sovereign authority of a creator God. Jehovah ordained the five spheres of human authority – husband, parent, master, magistrate, and pastor. Therefore their offices are not to be compromised (Eccl 10:5-7; Rom 13:1-7; I Cor 11:9; Eph 6:1-9; Col 3:18-25; Heb 13:7,17; I Pet 2:13 – 3:7).
But the Bible also restricts and penalizes abuse of this God-ordained authority (Ps 12:5; Eccl 5:8). Masters are limited in their authority over servants, and they are bound to treat them with a minimum level of fairness, kindness, and consistency (Lev 19:13; 25:39-46; Deut 15:12-18; 24:14-15; Eph 6:9; Col 4:1). And the doctrine of God further teaches love of neighbor, including servants, by the standard you seek to be loved (Luke 6:31; 10:27).
But the Bible also restricts and penalizes abuse of this God-ordained authority (Ps 12:5; Eccl 5:8). Masters are limited in their authority over servants, and they are bound to treat them with a minimum level of fairness, kindness, and consistency (Lev 19:13; 25:39-46; Deut 15:12-18; 24:14-15; Eph 6:9; Col 4:1). And the doctrine of God further teaches love of neighbor, including servants, by the standard you seek to be loved (Luke 6:31; 10:27).
The older conservative and evangelical commentators understood this proverb very differently. They believed it condemned treating a servant too well in his youth, for he would be spoiled by the luxury, forget his proper place, and later presume to be equal to the heir. Since most commentators generally follow one another, they agreed with each other here. Their interpretation and application are wrong for the following reasons.
First, an ironical or sarcastic use of words should be obvious to the reader, which is not obvious here. A straightforward reading of the proverb indicates positive instruction for the wise management of servants. To take the words in the opposite sense of a sarcastic rebuke is difficult indeed, for there are no words or contextual hints to do so.
First, an ironical or sarcastic use of words should be obvious to the reader, which is not obvious here. A straightforward reading of the proverb indicates positive instruction for the wise management of servants. To take the words in the opposite sense of a sarcastic rebuke is difficult indeed, for there are no words or contextual hints to do so.
Second, “delicately” does not require a definition of pampering luxury, for it also means careful and tactful treatment, as in Agag coming delicately to Samuel (I Sam 15:32).
Third, Solomon taught elsewhere in Proverbs that a wise servant would, and therefore should, be promoted over foolish sons and given an interest in the family inheritance (Pr 17:2). And he taught that kings recognize and promote wise servants (Pr 14:35). Jesus taught that a wise and faithful servant would be highly promoted (Luke 12:41-48).
Fourth, Scripture warns against abusive treatment of servants and requires kind treatment of them. Moses commanded regarding servants, “Thou shalt not rule over him with rigour; but shalt fear thy God” (Lev 25:43). Maidservants were to be treated as daughters and given food, clothing, and the duty of marriage – regular lovemaking, or be set free (Ex 21:9-11). Moses allowed for servants loving their masters and staying with them for life (Ex 21:1-6). And Solomon admitted masters and servants ate the same (Pr 27:27).
Consider Job’s holy and perfect attitude toward servants. He said, “If I did despise the cause of my manservant or of my maidservant, when they contended with me; What then shall I do when God riseth up? and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him? Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?” (Job 31:13-15). Though slaves had no legal rights, Job granted them the right to appeal to him!
Abraham had such a close relationship with one of his servants – Eliezer of Damascus – he planned on making him his heir (Gen 15:2-3). He later entrusted another servant to pick a bride for his son Isaac, which resulted in Rebekah being the mother of Israel (Gen 24:1-67). And Paul told Philemon to receive Onesimus as a brother-servant (Phile 1:16)!
Fifth, Daniel, though a captive eunuch from Israel, was affectionately treated by Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, and Cyrus. Even Belshazzar promoted him to third in the kingdom (Dan 5:29). Though a war captive, he was promoted to the inner circle of several kings. Joseph was promoted over all Potiphar’s house and then over the land of Egypt by the wise management of Potiphar and Pharaoh (Gen 39:1-6; 41:38-45).
Sixth, the history of slavery in America and other nations includes examples of servants being treated like family members with deep and abiding affection and loyalty running in both directions. Paul did not admit much difference between young sons and servants (Gal 4:1-2). There were clearly masters that practiced the gentle wisdom of this proverb.
Seventh, those holding the other interpretation were a slave-owning generation that lost sight of this merciful possibility and gracious principle. Due to the outcry against slavery in 18th century England and 19th century America, greater rigor was required to keep servants in their place, so pulpit and pen were slanted to preserve domestic tranquility.
Beyond the proverb’s interpretation, what is the lesson for us? Considerate and tactful treatment of employees can result in a relationship with the affection and loyalty of a family member. A common proverb declares, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” You can attract greater devotion and effort with kindness than with meanness. Christian employers should conscientiously treat their employees with discreet and prudent care at all times. They should redress all grievances in a fair and equitable way, and they should communicate openly and honestly with those in their service.
“Might makes right” is a foolish invention of God-haters. Wise business owners and managers win the affection and loyalty of employees with careful and tactful treatment. Service from the heart is better than service from fear or a paycheck. Husbands, parents, magistrates, and pastors will also grasp that the principle applies to them as well. Right conduct is determined and defined by scripture, not by the might of those in authority.
You tempt the Lord your God, a very serious offence, if you seek to enforce your authority by power and privilege alone (Eccl 5:8; Eph 6:9; Col 3:19,21; 4:1). Let every Christian reader apply the same benevolent kindness to those under their authority as their heavenly Father does to even His enemies (Matt 5:43-48; Acts 14:17). Though He is Lord of all, He is also good to all and satisfies their desires (Ps 145:9-16).
** Quote from : Let God be True –
Biblical Christianity,
church issues,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Naming Names
Stand Firm in the Faith has been given permission to reproduce the article titled: Naming Names by Martin and Deidre Bobgan, PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter -Issue - March-April 2015. Visit the ministry website at: PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter is a free, bimonthly publication of PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries.
In another place Adams said:
1. Martin and Deidre Bobgan. The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way, Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1979.
2. We coined the term psychoheresy later to describe what we saw happening in the church at the time of our first book.
3. Roger Wright and Nicholas Cummings, eds. The practice of Psychology : The Battle for Professionalism. Phoenix, AZ : Zieg, Tucker & Theisen, Inc, 2001, p.2
4. Ellen Herman. The Romance of American Psychology. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 1996, p.3
5. John T. McNeill, A History of the Cure of Souls. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers 1951.
6. Jay E. Adams, “About this book…,” Psychoheresy: The Psychological Seduction of Christianity, Santa Barbara, CA. : EastGate Publishers, 1987, endorsement page.
7. Jay E. Adams. Grist from Adams’ Mill. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1983,p. 69.
Naming Names
By Martin and Deidre Bobgan
Some people have wondered why we don’t just expose the spiritual dangers of clinical psychology and its psychotherapies without naming names. They evidently think that simply describing the unbiblical teachings would suffice. But, would that be enough? Why do we name names?
We began naming names shortly after 1979, when our first of 21 books, The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way, was published.(1) In that book we described how psychological counseling theories and therapies were coming into the church, but did not identify by name those Christian leaders who were guilty of what we later called “psychoheresy.” We mistakenly thought that Christian readers would make the applications.(2) However, without names attached to what we saw happening in the church, very few Christians seemed to be able to connect what we were saying to the many pastors and church leaders who were guilty of replacing or supplementing the soul care ministry of the saints to one another with counseling psychology.
As clear as we thought we were and as much as we naively believed that our book would stem the rising tide of counseling psychology in the church, it didn’t happen. On the contrary, the problem grew rapidly and those whom we did not identify became more popular. What puzzled us at the time was how some Christians could express agreement with us and yet support Gary Collins, Larry Crabb, James Dobson, Paul Meier, Frank Minirth, and other integrationists. Therefore, we began naming Christian leaders who were guilty of psychoheresy and who were spiritually seducing those in the church with their false teachings.
We do not take lightly the responsibility for naming names, but do so out of deep concern that psychoheresy has eroded a central belief of the church that existed until the rise of the psychological counseling movement less than 60 years ago. In their book The Practice of Psychology: The Battle for Professionalism, the authors trace the history of the recent rise of the practice of psychotherapy. They report: “The independent provision of psychological services was virtually nonexistent prior to and during World War II.” (3) This is confirmed in the book The Romance of American Psychology, in which the author says, “Before World War II, professional healers and counselors were few; most individuals allied with psychology did work unrelated to “helping’” The author reveals: “Throughout the entire post war era, the United States has trained and employed more psychological experts, per capita, than any other country in the world.” (4)
Prior to this modern phenomenon of professional counseling and prevalent throughout church history, there was a ministry to suffering souls within the church. John T. McNeill traces this history in his book A History of the Cure of Souls.(5) Then during the last century, the basis for the care of souls shifted from faith in the sufficiency of Scripture to faith in secular notions posing as science. Like the proverbial camel’s nose in the tent, the clinical psychology that existed in the universities nosed itself into the church and shortly thereafter the whole camel came in and eclipsed a biblically-based care of souls.
While one can read about what happened, there is almost no concern about the fact that it did happen and especially that there was no identifying by name those involved in the wholesale substitution of talk therapy for the almost 2000-year-old ministry of soul care. As we have often said and repeatedly demonstrated: The present-day church has strained at many theological gnats but swallowed the camel of psychotherapy to such an extent that the sufficiency of Scripture for the issues of life has been overlooked for “profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” (1Tim. 6:20), which is an apt description of psychoheresy.
When we wrote the original edition of our book Psychoheresy: The Psychological Seduction of Christianity over 25 years ago we named many popular Christian leaders. Dr. Jay Adams endorsed the book and said:
Some people will say the Bobgans are hitting too hard--naming names and all that--but I don’t think so. Whenever someone writes for the Christian public he sets forth his views to the scrutiny of others, but if others think what he says is dangerous to the church they, like Paul (who named names too), have an obligation to say so. (6)
In another place Adams said:
Any Christian who sets himself up as a teacher in the church of Christ and publicly teaches anything thereby opens himself up for criticism by others (cf. James 3:1). If they think what he is teaching is harmful to the church, they have an obligation to point it out just as widely as it was taught. Such public warning or debate on a topic should not be considered a personal attack at all…. What a critic of a public teaching does in pointing out his disagreement with that teaching has nothing to do with personal affronts or lack of reconciliation; he is simply disagreeing at the same public level as that on which the teaching was given in the first place. (7)
Both in church history and in the Bible names were named, for example: Arius, Pelagius, Sabellius, and Socinius. All were named publicly and extensively. History reveals that public critiquing was always part of the church. In fact, the various church councils often included fiery debates between various men. During the Reformation there was much public naming of names and open debates. That’s what the 95 theses on the Wittenberg door were all about. Luther named and debated men publicly so that others could judge.
In the Bible itself we read that Jesus (Rev.2:20), Paul (Gal. 2:11-14; 1 Tim. 1:19-20; 2 Tim. 1:15, 2:17, 4:10, 4:14), and John (3 John 1:9-10) all named names. In Acts 7 the Bereans checked the apostle Paul’s teachings with the Scriptures. In Galatians we read how the apostle Paul faced off with the apostle Peter. Paul says, “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed” (Gal. 2:11) and “I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compelest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?” (Gal. 2:14).
These naysayers on naming names, who say such things as “touch not God’s anointed” and “judge not that ye be judged,” need to learn a lesson from this one biblical interchange, unless they believe that the apostle Peter was not God’s anointed and that Paul was not judging! What the Bible does speak out against, however, is division caused by elevating personalities (1 Corinthians 1); infighting not having to do with essential doctrine, but motivated by selfish desires--having one’s own way (3 John); and division caused by heresy (Galatians 1 and 2 Peter 2).
Following biblical examples and church history, one should name names publicly regarding public teachings and examples when they are in serious conflict with Scripture. Moreover, Scripture directs us to name names: “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17). How else can one mark those whose teachings and practices are “offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned” without naming names? And, how serious are these psychological counseling theories and therapies as “offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned”? The denial of the sufficiency of Scripture for living the Christian life is a serious violation of both Scripture and the historic care of souls that is based upon the Word of God! Psychotherapy is not based upon the Word of God; psychotherapy is based upon the fallen and failing words of men after the flesh. Thus, we need to heed Paul’s final instruction in Romans 16:17: “avoid them”! Have nothing to do with them! Quit looking for something that might appear to be useful in their teaching.
Some have suggested, on the basis of Matthew 18, that all criticism of teachings should be done on a one to one basis. However, Matthew 18 applies to personal offenses rather than important doctrinal problems that affect the lives of many believers. Matthew 18 does not apply to warning the sheep of serious doctrinal error. For us there was no personal offense. Moreover, pointing out doctrinal error privately will not protect the sheep if the perpetrator of that teaching does not repent publicly and effectually.
Instead of questioning those of us who name names, one should question why there is not more questioning by name those popular pastors and organizations that are in serious violation of the very Word of God that they claim to follow. The most loving thing to do for the Body of Christ is to warn believers of those who propagate false teachings, and the most loving thing to do for the perpetrators of psychoheresy is to continue to speak forth in hopes that they will repent. As we often say, we should never replace the God of the anointing with the present-day “anointed of God” by showering them with unwholesome adoration and unnecessary protection.
While some Christian leaders are speaking out and condemning what we call psychoheresy, they typically refrain from speaking out specifically by naming names. Rarely do we hear even those Christian leaders who agree with us name the names of individuals or organizations that are guilty. Where are the pastors, theologians, and church leaders who are willing to speak out against psychoheresy specifically by naming names?
Not only must we name the names of leaders and organizations that condone and promote psycho heresy, we need to examine ourselves to see if we are allowing psycho heresy to creep into our thinking and living. The more secularly minded Christians are in their day-to-day thoughts and activities, the more apt they will be to succumb to the psychological wisdom of men. Therefore we challenge our readers to examine themselves, for if you believe that the clinical psychological wisdom of man and its resulting psychotherapies can complement or augment the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, you are guilty of psychoheresy!
© Copyright 2015 Martin and Deidre Bobgan
PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter
1. Martin and Deidre Bobgan. The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way, Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1979.
2. We coined the term psychoheresy later to describe what we saw happening in the church at the time of our first book.
3. Roger Wright and Nicholas Cummings, eds. The practice of Psychology : The Battle for Professionalism. Phoenix, AZ : Zieg, Tucker & Theisen, Inc, 2001, p.2
4. Ellen Herman. The Romance of American Psychology. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 1996, p.3
5. John T. McNeill, A History of the Cure of Souls. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers 1951.
6. Jay E. Adams, “About this book…,” Psychoheresy: The Psychological Seduction of Christianity, Santa Barbara, CA. : EastGate Publishers, 1987, endorsement page.
7. Jay E. Adams. Grist from Adams’ Mill. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1983,p. 69.
Biblical Christianity,
church issues,
False Doctrine,
False Teaching,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Beware the Greed Mongers / 2015 Bible Conference Globe...
Biblical Christianity,
charismatic issues,
church issues,
Positive Confession,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Spiritual Formation - An Interview with Dr. Gary Gilley
Have you heard of Spiritual Formation? Do you know what it is? Chances are in some way this movement has affected you. Recently, Stand up for the Truth radio program did an interview with Dr. Gary Gilley on his new book: Out of Formation. Please go to the ministry webpage (Click here). Near the bottom of the article you will find a audio link to listen or download the program to hear the interview. Hear the program interview here. This movement has taken the modern church by storm in the last decade. It has affected just about every denomination - from seeker-driven churches to those considered to be conservative.
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We at Stand Firm in the Faith have recently posted a book review of Dr. Gary Gilley’s new book “Out of Formation”. Here is part of that review:
“Gary Gilley’s new book: Out of Formation deals with the Spiritual Formation Movement. This movement is re-introducing ancient and mystical spiritual practices to the modern Church and Evangelicals are jumping on the bandwagon to be a part of this movement. Popular Christian and Evangelical publishers have made it easy for Christians to access these Spiritual Formation practices, and have recently in the last decade produced volumes and series of books promoting it. Current popular Evangelical authors quote christian mystics in their books and recommend ancient practices as a fresh means of spiritual growth. (See pg 9)
Gilley cautions Christians to be aware and concern about the drift away from proper biblical discipleship which is given to us from the Bible on spiritual discipline and growing in Christ. Gilley cautions early in the book “It is absolutely essential to get this connection early in our study. Many if not most, of the disciplines and instructions found within spiritual formation are not drawn from Scripture; they are drawn from imaginations of men and women passed along as tradition.” (pg. 25). “
Some of the practices that are covered in the interview and are covered at length in Gary Gilley’s book are: Contemplative Prayer, Sacred Reading (Lectio Divina), Solitude and Silence, Journaling, spiritual mentoring, pilgrimage, Sabbath keeping, fasting and discernment and revelation to name a few, and are explains.
Book Review,
Contemplative Prayer,
Disernment Ministries,
Emergent Church,
Emerging Church,
Mark Driscoll,
Sherry DuBois,
Spiritual Formation,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Casting a vision or commandeering control?
This is a program that must be heard. Please go to the ministry webpage (Click here). There you will find a link for the Podcast or download near the end of the Article to hear the program with Chris Rosebrough on Stand up for the Truth radio program.
From the Stand Up For The Truth radio program:
"What is Vision Casting? Where does it come from? And is Vision Casting Biblical? There is a way that is biblical, as our guest explains. And unfortunately, there is a broad way that a growing number of church leaders cast vision that is nowhere to be found in Scripture – but is often used to control and manipulate. Today we’re going to explore those methods with our guest.
Chris Rosebrough is the host of the daily radio programFighting For The Faith, heard around the world on Pirate Christian Radio, a broadcast group he founded to help Christians discern God’s Word by taking a look at what people say and teach in the name of Jesus and holding it up to the light of Scripture.
Stand Up For The Truth is a radio and online ministry that covers news of the day, trends in the church and theological issues that Christians deal with and talk about every day, and we give you a place to be educated, equipped and connected to help you discern along the way."
From the Stand Up For The Truth radio program:
"What is Vision Casting? Where does it come from? And is Vision Casting Biblical? There is a way that is biblical, as our guest explains. And unfortunately, there is a broad way that a growing number of church leaders cast vision that is nowhere to be found in Scripture – but is often used to control and manipulate. Today we’re going to explore those methods with our guest.
Chris Rosebrough is the host of the daily radio programFighting For The Faith, heard around the world on Pirate Christian Radio, a broadcast group he founded to help Christians discern God’s Word by taking a look at what people say and teach in the name of Jesus and holding it up to the light of Scripture.
Stand Up For The Truth is a radio and online ministry that covers news of the day, trends in the church and theological issues that Christians deal with and talk about every day, and we give you a place to be educated, equipped and connected to help you discern along the way."
This is a program that needs to be heard, especially by those who are involved in a purpose-driven church. Abuses suffered by Christians by this kind of leadership abound. Finally, someone is speaking out for the sheep, Praise God. This practice of "vision casting" by Church leadership is not condoned by scripture and needs to be corrected. Christians are told to leave their church when they discern the error, and strong arm tactics are used to force them out of fellowship.
Emerging Church,
False Doctrine,
Mark Driscoll,
Prosperity Gospel,
Rick Warren,
Saddleback Church,
Sherry DuBois,
Spiritual Abuse,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Has Beth Moore Become a False Teacher?
Has Beth Moore Become a False Teacher? Brannon Howse and Justin Peters discuss this topic in light of Beth Moore's own words. Brannon plays video clips of Beth Moore that you must see if you want to know if Beth Moore should be called a false teacher
See the video program at the Link below:
Has Beth Moore Become a False Teacher?
Beth Moore,
charismatic issues,
Contemplative Prayer,
False Teaching,
Positive Confession,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith,
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Hope For Christians Who Have Been Spiritually Abused.
Please see full article at the link below.
"According to authors David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen (The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse
), spiritual abuse occurs when those in spiritual leadership "twist Scripture to give more authority to the leadership and keep the members under their control. One example is the use of Hebrews 13:17 as a basis for demanding unquestioning loyalty and obedience to the leaders." Johnson and VanVonderen also make the compelling case that those who are being spiritually abused are often unaware of what is happening while the abuse is occurring. Why is this so? I'm not sure why, but if I had to guess, I would say that we sheep can be so desirous of solid teaching, and aware of the value of solid teaching, that we don't recognize spiritual abuse, if it is present or if it develops. Thus, spiritual abuse doesn't occur only among the weak-minded, the undiscerning, or in cults: it can also take place inside of doctrinally solid churches, and oftentimes those experiencing it are not even aware that it is taking place."
Sola Sisters: Hope For Christians Who Have Been Spiritually Abus...: Posted by Sola Sisters What Is Spiritual Abuse? According to authors David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen ( The Subtle Power of Spirit...
Book Review on Stand Firm in the Faith:
Subtle Power
of Spiritual Abuse
Book Review,
church issues,
Mark Driscoll,
Sherry DuBois,
Spiritual Abuse,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Monday, July 14, 2014
How Satan's Rebellion Serves God's Purposes - Erwin Lutzer
Biblical Christianity,
Erwin Lutzer,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith,
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Erwin Lutzer: False Prophets
The 4 characteristic of False Prophets
1. They diminish the holiness of God
2. They exaggerate human ability
3. They have various sources - Jeremiah 14:13,14 / 2 Cor. 11:12-14
4. They hide their true motives (They are trained in greed) and Pride
Erwin Lutzer,
false prophet,
False Teaching,
Positive Confession,
Prosperity Gospel,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Discernment and Opposing Evil
“True biblical discernment is grounded in the knowledge and love of the truth—as Paul said in
1 Thessalonians 5:21, every discerning believer must “hold fast to that which is good.” But that’s not the only ingredient. Too many pastors and church leaders today believe that if they just preach the truth, their people will be able to avoid error by osmosis. True discernment doesn’t work that way, as Paul made clear in his very next line to the Thessalonians: “Abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
The word translated “abstain” is a very strong verb, apech
ō, meaning “hold oneself back,” “keep away from,” “shun.” It is the same word used in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, “abstain from sexual immorality,” and 1 Peter 2:11, “abstain from fleshly lusts.” It calls for a radical separation from “every form of evil.” This would include evil behavior, of course. But in this context, the primary reference seems to be evil teaching—false doctrine. Having examined everything in light of God’s Word, when you identify something that does not measure up—something that is evil, untrue, erroneous, or contrary to sound doctrine—shun it.”
Read the Full article here:
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Stand Firm in the Faith has been given permission to reproduce the Article below by Discernment Ministries International. Please see DMI’s website for more information
Wonderfully pious words to try to live by if you are an ostrich. The love of God compels us to warn our brothers and sisters of the grave spiritual danger they are facing by listening to the myriad of false teachers and false prophets.
DMI currently receives no financial support from any congregation or church body, although many pastors read our newsletters and benefit from our materials. If you are one of our “pastor” readers won’t you please consider donating to DMI on a monthly basis?
There is a desperate need to educate our members regarding the spiritual dangers posed by cults, sects, and false SINistries today. As a former pastor I recognize how difficult it is to prepare for weekly sermons, deal with congregational life, family life, personal life, etc. This is why I make myself available to come along side and assist you in educating your people about many of the spiritual dangers and flakes you may not even be aware of yourself. Certainly I am always available by phone or online to answer any specific questions you may have about a group or ministry affecting the lives of any members, family or friends.
This deluded soul, David E. Taylor told his congregation and the world that “God” had revealed to him the winner of the Super Bowl. Even with a fifty-fifty chance he guessed wrong and ended up (1) lying in the name of the Lord he says he serves, (2) embarrassing the Church which he represents as a public minister by being exposed as one deceived and deceiving others.
For whatever reason he decided to promote this specific revelation from “God” on a global basis. One can only surmise that he did so in the hopes of expanding his influence among the hugely competitive prophetic marketplace. Here is a statement from his website:
David E. Taylor is first and foremost, a friend of Jesus Christ, which allows him to serve in all the five-fold ministry offices, in which the offices of apostle, prophet and healing evangelist are the most notable. These offices enable him to conquer spiritual territories and dethrone demonic princes and their principalities in different cities and regions he goes to on behalf of a breakthrough for God’s church the Body of Christ. They serve to equip, empower and launch sons and daughters into God’s vineyard, to minister Jesus Christ and demonstrate His Latter Rain Glory to this generation.
This man, who was completely wrong about his word from “God” would have people believe that he is an Omni-competent healing evangelist! Folks, it is people like this who bring shame and ridicule upon the Body of Christ and rightly so in cases like these if we, the Church, do not do all we can to rebuke this man in love and bring correction to him.
Much of the foolishness taking place in the Church today is due to the tolerant attitude and silence on that part of those who are orthodox Bible believing Christian leaders. Many solid pastors vacillate between one of the following three men:
Wonderfully pious words to try to live by if you are an ostrich. The love of God compels us to warn our brothers and sisters of the grave spiritual danger they are facing by listening to the myriad of false teachers and false prophets.
Pastors especially are charged with guarding their portion of His flock by feeding them the pure Word of God. It is only through a steady diet of sound teaching that we will become equipped to discern truth from error. This implies first that pastors must teach sound doctrine and secondly, that the flock will be faithful not only to hear but to act upon the glorious truths shared!
There is a desperate need to educate our members regarding the spiritual dangers posed by cults, sects, and false SINistries today. As a former pastor I recognize how difficult it is to prepare for weekly sermons, deal with congregational life, family life, personal life, etc. This is why I make myself available to come along side and assist you in educating your people about many of the spiritual dangers and flakes you may not even be aware of yourself. Certainly I am always available by phone or online to answer any specific questions you may have about a group or ministry affecting the lives of any members, family or friends.
Copyright ©
2014 Robert Liichow
Bob Liichow,
church issues,
Discernment Ministries,
false prophet,
False Teaching,
New Apostolic Reformation,
Sherry DuBois,
Stand Firm in the Faith
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