Wednesday, May 9, 2012

An Apologetic Response

SEE Video:
An Apologetic Response

To disagree with the moral or morality of sexual behavior of homosexuality is to be a bigot. This is how the reasoning goes. There is also the flawed position that if you do disagree with homosexuality than that makes you some how unloving. This is not the case and those who oppose the bible’s teaching often used these arguments to silence their audience who do not agree with them. Where is the middle ground for discussing sexuality?
The word ‘Bigot’ is being re-defined today. As of late, the moral position, and the Christian position is automatically identified as ’bigotry’ and hateful. Christians are being automatically called names due to their honoring what the Word of God says about homosexuality. What is the Christian to do? How can we have a fair conversation about this? 

This video covers many of the objections and points being made by those who oppose the biblical and Christian view of homosexuality.

In this video James White responds to the key elements of the infamous diatribe launched by Dan Savage at a high school journalism conference, and provide a challenge to him to debate this issue in a moderated, public forum