Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Coming Pagan Utopia

SEE Video - Link:

The Coming Pagan Utopia

There are only two religions, Two-ism or One-ism, and you have to make a spiritual choice.  Do you worship the universe and the things within it?   Or do you worship the personal, triune God outside the universe, who made it, tells us about it, and enters into a relationship of love with His creatures? There is no other option.  Watch the video above and visit the Truthxchange website (link below)  for more information.  Video Link:

Dr. Peter Jones website at:  for more information and free resources. For God's glory, truthXchange desires to be a thriving, inspiring resource that broadcasts a Two-ist, gospel-driven worldview response to a One-ist spirituality.  Their Ministry wants to recruit, equip and mobilize a network of fearless Christians prepared to defend the church and share the gospel with the world around them.