Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lutheran’s Gay Clergy Decision Leads To Congregation Exodus - The Philadelphia Bulletin

The ELCA's decision to approve active homosexuals clergy in the 2009 -2010 voting amendments, has given way to members leaving as well as hundreds of congregations leaving the ELCA denomination. There are several news articles on the internet that have been documenting this exodus.

The article mentions three Lutheran churches in Illinois that were leaving the ELCA over "concerns that the denomination was no longer faithful to the biblical basis of the church's teachings especially when it came to the teachings of sin and salvation."  In the article 2 congregations are mentioned in which 94 percent of the congregation voted to leave.  Some of the Lutheran congregations stated in the article that they were considering affilating with the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) which was formed in response to the ELCA's homosexual clergy decision.

Noted in this article is that there are a number of conservative Lutheran denominations in the United States: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), American Association of Lutheran Churches, Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, and others.

The article below is from the Philadelphia Bulletin August 28, 2010.

Lutheran’s Gay Clergy Decision Leads To Congregation Exodus - The Philadelphia Bulletin

Other News articles:
Lutherans bolt over gay clergy - Chicago Sun-Times - Aug 28, 2010 - more than 300 congregations take votes to exit ELCA,CST-NWS-lutheran29.article

Lutheran divide: Roy church may join others -Aug 30, 2010

See Video here:
Please watch this video
You Tube Video: Mov.2 - Pastor Brock part 2 -- June 28, 2010

Part 1:

A previous post on Stand Firm in the Faith relating to the Tornado:

Pastor Brock discusses the Biblical reasons for concern over the recent changes, and the Bound Conscious position and what is happening with the ELCA concerning doctrine and practice and their position on paying for Abortions and their new doctrinal statement on Salvation (Universalism) from the ELCA's website.  Please see Pastor Brock's website for further information.   in Minneapolis, MN.

Pastor Brock gives these guidelines on finding a church:
1). Do you teach there is a heaven and a hell?
2). Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven?
3). Do you believe in the Virgin Brith of Christ?
4). What do you teach about abortion and homosexuality?
5). Do you believe in the infalibility of Scripture?

The statements read by Pastor Brock in the video (above) can be found at Albert Mohler's website:

(you can hear audio of Albert Mohler's program discussing this here: Just click on the MP3 arrow download :

You Tube video - Leaving the ELCA - Cultureshock tv. - August 24, 2010
See Video here: