Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Real Roots of the Emergent Church

See Video
Roots of the Emergent Church

"Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.  Jude 3

From the video’s description:

Because diversity characterizes the Emergent Church movement, it is difficult to paint everyone in the movement with a broad brush. Some have observed that defining the Emergent Church is like nailing jello to a wall. All participants agree on their disillusionment with the institutional church, but do not all agree on where the church is destined to go from here. They share a common concern with many evangelicals over the state of the modern church, especially the mega-church phenomenon and “seeker-friendly” churches. For this reason, many evangelicals who observe the Emerging Church are fascinated by it, drawn to its creative approaches to worship, genuineness of many of the leaders and desire to reach Gen Xers. However, these evangelicals fail to look beyond it to understand its underlying theology, or lack thereof.

This Christian documentary film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church will take an honest look at the leaders of the Emerging Church movement such as Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Tony Campolo, Steve Chalke, Peter Rollins, Dan Kimball, Richard Rohr, Phyllis Tickle, Spencer Burke and others. Who are they and what are they teaching? Become familiar with the postmodern Emergent Church and its popular tactic of literary deconstruction applied to the Bible. This film takes an in-depth look at what the Emerging Church believes concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, absolute truth, hell, homosexuality, mysticism, contemplative prayer, other religions, and eschatology in comparison to the Bible. Much more than candles and couches!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Be Steadfast

As Christians we need to hold fast, to stand firm in the faith. Be steadfast in resisting the evil one, be strong in the faith, and give glory to God. Be steadfast and unmovable. Being a Christian brings it’s share of troubles and trials. It is a part of the Christian life. Be courageous. We must keep standing at the end of our struggle and trials. We must take up the full armor of God so that we will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything to stand firm. Eph. 6:13

It is by trials and testings that perseverance is obtained and learned.
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4

Satan assaults the Christian, putting on the armor of God is absolutely necessary Eph 6. We must pray for one another and encourage one another. Build each other up in the Faith. Be aware of other’s needs and struggles that they do not lack fellowship and become a target of the enemy because of isolation. Pray for those who are in the battle, and pray for us as well.
Do all you can to strengthen your brothers and sisters in the Faith. Sometimes the trials can be so strong and persistent that one may find themselves getting depressed and discouraged by the attacks of the enemy. Charles Spurgeon once said these words of encouragement for the Christian‘s warfare:
“Follow your Lord’s example. Someone says, “But I am depressed.” Very well, Fight depression with the word of God. I find that if I can lay a promise under my tongue, like a sweet lozenge, and keep it in my mouth or mind all day long, I am happy enough. If I cannot find a Scripture to comfort me, my inward troubles are multiplied. Fight despondency and despair with the sword of the Spirit. I do not know what your particular difficulty may be at this moment, but I give you this direction for all holy warfare: “Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” You must overcome every enemy, and this weapon is all you need.”

Prayer should be our first reaction to the attacks of the enemy as we stand firm in the faith. In Ephesians 6:18 we read; “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,” The Greek word for ‘petition’ refers to making specific requests. By praying specifically -- in detail, you will see God answer specifically for His glory. It is important that we pray specifically for victory in battle against the Enemy. This was the focus of Eph. 6:18.

Below are the dictionary definitions of the word ‘Steadfast’:
Stead fast - adj. 1. Firm of purpose; loyal and unwavering: a steadfast friend, a steadfast defender of one’s country. 2. Firmly fixed; not moving or changing: a steadfast gaze “
STEADFASTNESS ---stability in commitment or belief. The apostle Paul referred to “the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.” (Col. 2:5). The loss of stability may be avoided if one will “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18).   The New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

STEADFASTNESS, Sterigmos (2 Pet. 3:17), in the usual sense of stability. (KJV rendering)

STABILITY (Gk. That upon which a thing can rest; in Col. 2:5 “stability of your faith” (“firm,” NIV), refers figuratively, in a military sense, to a solid front.
New Unger’s Bible Dictionary - Merrill F. Unger

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

See Video here:

Supporters of Chick-fil-A are eating at restaurants in the chicken chain today as the company continues to be criticized for an executive's comments about gay marriage. Customers come by the hundreds and more, to stand firm with the Chick-fil-A chain to their support.

See Video link:

From video: 
A HUGE number of people showed up at Chick-fil-A across America in support of "free speech" and "traditional marriage." Controversy erupted after it was revealed that the restaurant had donated millions of dollars to Christian anti-gay causes. The chain's CEO, Dan Cathy says that they are "guilty as charged" and that America is "shaking its fists at God" when it tries to redefine marriage