Wednesday, July 15, 2009

CARM STANDS FIRM with the Author of 'The Shack'

When our Faith is resting on the whole Word of God, and we trust and have confidence in God's Word, we will be prepared for the battle, and will stand firm in the faith till the end. When our commitment to Christ is strong, and we seek after righteousness, we can stand firm in the knowledge of God's Word, for it is our armor, our shield, our helmet and sword, our belt, and our breastplate, and the shoes, in the battle, no matter what the circumstances may be. Ephesians 6:14-17.
Last night we heard an excellent interview with the Author Paul Young about his runaway best selling book 'The Shack', with radio host Matt Slick - from Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. This interview is available to hear, that is, as long as it stays available on the CARM website -radio interviews. This is an excellent opportunity to hear the Author himself (Paul Young) explain his book in the context of it's theological meaning, as the radio host - Matt Slick presents a biblical and apologetic response to the concerns that have been raised about the book's influence, meaning and content. It is a 58 minute interview that is well worth listening to in it's entirety.
Visit CARM and hear the radio interview here:
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.