Friday, August 5, 2011

Rick Perry bases call for national salvation on "Joel's Army" cult movement

From the Examiner Article: "Perry has jumped on the "Joel's Army" bandwagon, claiming in his promotional message for his The Response prayer and fasting event in Houston in August: "Some problems are beyond our power to solve, and according to the Book of Joel, Chapter 2, this historic hour demands a historic response."

From Examiner Article: "If Governor Rick Perry (R) of Texas runs for president of the United States, he will have one of the most unusual and specific bases for his platform of any candidate in many decades—the spiritual visions of the ancient Hebrew prophet Joel."

Click HereRick Perry bases call for national salvation on "Joel's Army" cult movement

For those who would like to know more about "Joel's Army", Jewel Grewe of Discernment Ministries has produced a booklet on the Error's of Joel's Army  that is available by contacting the ministry . This is an excellent booklet that explains the history and founders/leaders of this movement.

From back cover: There is another gospel being taught today which is in total conflict with the Gospel of Christ.  Leaders in this movement allegorize the truth away, place their revelations on par with Scriptures, emphasize their thoughts and ideas above Scriptures, and claim that Israel is now an "outcast" who has been replaced by the church in endtimes prophecy. 

In this booklet read about:
* The New Breed
* The Overcomers
* The Phineas Priesthood
* The Latter Rain Error
* Manifested Sons of God