Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spiritual Formation - An Interview with Dr. Gary Gilley

Have you heard of Spiritual Formation?  Do you know what it is?  Chances are  in some way this movement has affected you.  Recently, Stand up for the Truth radio program did an interview with Dr. Gary Gilley on his new book:  Out of Formation.  Please go to the ministry webpage (Click here).  Near the bottom of the article  you will find a audio link to listen or download the program to hear the interview. Hear the program interview here.  This movement has taken the modern church by storm in the last decade. It has affected just about every denomination - from seeker-driven churches to those considered to be conservative. 

The book “ Out of Formation”  by Gary Gilley can be purchased at these website and ministries: (click link below). 

P.O. Box 26062 • Saint Louis, MO 63136-0062
(314) 921-9800

We at Stand Firm in the Faith have recently posted a book review of Dr. Gary Gilley’s new book “Out of Formation”.  Here is part of that review: 

“Gary Gilley’s new book: Out of Formation deals with the Spiritual Formation Movement.  This movement is re-introducing ancient and mystical spiritual practices to the modern Church and Evangelicals are jumping on the bandwagon to be a part of this movement.  Popular Christian and Evangelical publishers have made it easy for Christians to access these Spiritual Formation practices, and have recently in the last decade produced volumes and series of books promoting it.  Current popular Evangelical authors quote christian mystics in their books and recommend ancient practices as a fresh means of spiritual growth. (See pg 9)  

Gilley cautions Christians to be aware and concern about the drift away from proper biblical discipleship which is given to us from the Bible on spiritual discipline and growing in Christ. Gilley cautions early in the book “It is absolutely essential to get this connection early in our study. Many if not most, of the disciplines and instructions found within spiritual formation are not drawn from Scripture; they are drawn from imaginations of men and women  passed along as tradition.”  (pg. 25). “ 

Some of the practices that are covered in the interview and are covered at length in Gary Gilley’s book are: Contemplative Prayer, Sacred Reading (Lectio Divina), Solitude and Silence, Journaling, spiritual mentoring, pilgrimage, Sabbath keeping, fasting and discernment and revelation to name a few, and are explains.