Dilemma Over Demons
MM Outreach - News & Views - April, May, June - 2010
God laid on my heart to do this DVD teaching because of the number of Christians ensnared in wrong doctrine concerning demons. Having been set free in Christ through salvation by grace, some have again found themselves in bondage and fear, because of ignorance and scripture twisting concerning demons and curses. When will we Christians learn not to take one scripture and make a doctrine out of it! When will we learn to believe the Bible as it is written, not some man’s interpretation of what it says!
Can a Christian have a demon? No! Can a demon have a Christian? Again, No! This is the plain teaching of scripture. Space does not allow a full list of scriptures, but the DVD will provide you with all you need to answer these two key questions.
Right now I want to zero in on the harmful teaching of “generational curses”. These corrupters of God’s word use one scripture that is not even fully quoted! Let’s consider Exodus 20:5, “You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them who hate Me”.
What is the context of the above scripture? It concerns idolatry and warns us to avoid it. We do not bow down or serve other gods. That brings us to the next phrase of “visiting iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.”
Is “iniquity” a curse? “Iniquity” means “guilt” or “punishment” according to Strong’s Concordance “Curse” is another Hebrew word entirely.
Also we must ask why do the “generational cursers” leave out the last phrase of this scripture--”..of them who hate Me?” Well, leaving it in would ruin their doctrine, wouldn’t it? What Christian would hate God? This scripture applies to haters of God. This is made abundantly clear by the following scripture, Exodus 20:6, “And showing mercy unto thousands of them who love Me, and keep My commandments”. Haters of God and their generations have “inequities”, but lovers of God enjoy mercy.
Each one of us answers for our own sins. Deuteronomy 24:16 says, “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.”
Ezekiel Chapter 18 verses 1-20 tells an account of a righteous faith. His son turns out to be very unrighteous, a real commandment breaker. His grandson, however turns out righteous. God points out that each one is judged individually. No generational curses here!
I, myself, have been the focus of curses for my exposes on Mormonism. I was warned by a Mormon bishop and two missionaries, to stop speaking of secret temple matters or they would show up at my next meeting and place temple curses on me. Sure enough, as I continued with my talk, there they were with their faces all screwed up pronouncing curses under their breath. It was kind of comical as they kept looking up to see if I had dropped dead or fallen over or been struck dumb (or whatever these curses should have done!) I just felt more empowered the more I shared of the word of God and exposed their errors. It was a great meeting!
Why did I have no fear of being cursed? Because I absolutely believe the word of God. I know I was safe because of Colossians 2:10, “…and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority”. I was safe in Christ, and He is the head over all the authority. If the Mormons were going after me, they would come up against Jesus Christ! That is not to say that Satan will not try to come against Christians, he will!
However, we can put on the full armor of God mentioned in Ephesians chapter 6, verse 16: “…in addition to all, take up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one”. So, can the devil get us somehow, even with one “flaming arrow” attack? No! “All” means “all” and we have the promise of God that we can have victory in “all” attacks of the evil one! We cannot be under a curse, generational or otherwise!
Those teaching false doctrine on the demons would have us believe that “well, no, you can’t be possessed totally, but you can be “demonized” in your “soul” areas, or your “flesh areas”, just not in your spirit.” What nonsense! Let’s let God set matters straight with 1 Thessalonians 5:23, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Christ has sanctified us entirely, body, soul, and spirit. Let’s believe that.
Let’s not doubt the word of God and open ourselves by mental assent to lying doctrines like Eve did in the garden. Satan will give us all the experiences we allow him to. Let’s all stand firm and complete in Christ and learn the scriptures that protect us. Then the evil one cannot even “touch” us. 1 John 5:18 says, “He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him”.
Friends, we highly recommend that you have “Dilemma Over Demons” in your own library and your church library. It will bless you and others. "
_____________________________________* This excerpt was taken from News & Views (from pg. 5-6). Also, written below is MM Outreach’s description of the DVD, (from pg. 14). The DVD can be purchased from the ministry at: www.mmoutreachinc.com , or by mail: Box 454 Metaline Falls, WA. 99153. Stand Firm in the Faith recommends this DVD highly! Below is the description of the DVD from the ministry newsletter:
Dilemma Over Demons
The Church is facing a dilemma today, and that dilemma is over demons! Waves of new teachings are sweeping through the Church, across all denominational lines. Emphasis is being placed on the demons, through the teachings of the “Kingdom Now” theology. “War in the Heavenlies”, “Dominion Theology, “Joel’s Army”, and similar teachings.
Popular is “deliverance” for demonism” of individual Christians, allegedly polluted through their bloodlines and “generational curses”. Much time and energy is expended on the endless cycle of the “binding” of demons, even in Christian Counseling circles.
Can a Christian have a demon?
Can a demon have a Christian?
The Bible gives clear answers to both these questions. Lorri MacGregor, in Discernment ministry for over thirty years, and author of two books , ten DVD’s , and numerous booklets and teaching tapes, presents clear counsel from the Bible on these important topics.
This is an area where the Christian willing to educate him/herself can be of great service to the body of Christ. Seldom are these issues addressed from the pulpit, yet there is a great need to set matters straight from the word of God.
Many Christians have found themselves listening to experiences of others who have gone for Counseling, and come back with the idea that none of their issues are their fault, but they are victims of the devil and his demons in one way or another. Rather than take some or all of the blame for their actions, they accept the easy way out by blaming their parents and relatives (generational curses) or feel “the devil made me do it”, and never accept responsibility. Shifting the blame may help at first, but it never lasts in the long term.
We Christians should be living a life in which we are Overcomers in Christ. If any one of us has been unclear about what the devil can and cannot do, we should carefully watch this DVD and take to heart the many scriptures presented. We do have victory in Jesus!
Copyright 2010 MM Outreach Inc. All rights reserved.
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