Now as in times past, Stand Firm in the Faith has recommended Programming from Pilgrim Radio: , such as Speaker's Platform, and "Reader's Choice" a daily reading program that airs weekdays 2am,12:00pm and 9:00 pm, for some of the Book's they've read on the air.
This month "April 2010" they are reading a book that we had read last month Titled: "The Book that made America - How the Bible Formed Our Nation". We can not state strongly enough what important reading this book is in order to be informed as to the history of our Country and the role the Bible had in the lives of the Founding Fathers of our Country in their decision-making and in forming our political process and Freedoms and how the Bible shaped our Country, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. The book also documents who were the Founding Father's of our Country and their backgrounds, who formed these documents, and why all of this is important information for America's Future. What is impressive about the book is it's documentation and inclusion of speeches and events that are not always widely known but never the less factual events in the forming of our Country's history and it's political process.
Many people these days are asking important questions about what's going on in the changes that we are seeing. Many are seeing that we are at a critical time in our Nation's history. The author of this book sees it's vital importances that every citizen understands what our Constitution says and how God's Sovereignty is what perserves us as the nation we are and if we forget this the consequences that may come will be as the same as other nations that did not acknowledge God. This book clearly lays a strong foundation of America's past historical Christian roots and virtures that have made our Country great and why we must stand firm on the biblical principles which formed our Country and it's Freedoms.
Pilgrim Radio is reading "The Book that made America" and it can be heard every weekday for 1/2 hour at 2am,12:00pm -noon , and 9:00pm - Pacific Time. You can hear it on the internet at . Please visit their website.
** (I want to extend my apology to Pilgrim Radio and their listeners for any confusion for the time given for "Reader's Choice" when posting this entry. The time-slot we posted here was incorrect, but has since then been changed.)
** (I want to extend my apology to Pilgrim Radio and their listeners for any confusion for the time given for "Reader's Choice" when posting this entry. The time-slot we posted here was incorrect, but has since then been changed.)